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Building cleaning checklist

Checkliste Gebäudereinigung

A building cleaning checklist  breaks down the individual steps of the cleaning process in detail. For the most accurate overview possible, each task should specify where, how and by whom whom it will be carried out, just like in the more detailed  cleaning concept. This allows you as an employer to estimate how much time and manpower or personnel you have to take into account. In addition, you can record in writing which employee is responsible for which activity in case something comes to light during quality control.

A building cleaning checklist can be helpful for your employees as it keeps track of all tasks and allows them to be completed as efficiently as possible. Here's how a cleaning checklist can look like.

What is maintenance cleaning?

Companies often lack the time and staff to take on regular office cleaning themselves. Therefore, they hire a third-party service provider to look after the maintenance cleaning. Qualified cleaning specialists and the respective equipment ensure the building is professionally cleaned. Put simply: maintenance cleaning refers to the cleaning of buildings at regular intervals. In contrast to basic cleaning, which includes, for example, deep-cleaning of floors, maintenance cleaning aims to maintain cleanliness of the premises. How often maintenance cleaning is necessary depends on how intensively the premises are used and if there exist any specific hygiene requirements. As a rule, it boils down to dividing work into daily, weekly, monthly and seasonal cleaning.

What does maintenance cleaning entail?

Companies often lack the time and staff to take on regular surfaces with a damp cloth, cleaning floors and sanitary facilities – by vacuuming and mopping – and garbage disposal. More specific tasks might include cleaning windows and doors or removing cobwebs.

How do I create a building cleaning plan?

The basis of maintenance cleaning is the cleaning plan: this specifically lists the cleaning tasks to be carried out within a specific property. It contains information about the rooms – in the so-called "room book" – and details of the measures outlined in each case as well as the cleaning intervals. . In order to create a cleaning plan, the first step is to examine the local conditions during a building inspection and record information regarding the use of the respective rooms, the condition of the floor and the number and size of windows and doors in the room book. For example, in addition to the size of the building, the cleaning plan should also contain information on the size and fixtures of sanitary facilities – including the number of toilets – as well as information on the frequency of use. When calculating time and personnel, various factors must be taken into account. For example, kitchens generally require more work than office cleaning . The type of dirt also plays a role.

Below you will find various cleaning plan checklists and samples. Templates for creating a checklist.

Daily cleaning checklist

Some rooms, such as kitchens and bathrooms, require more attention than others. Various cleaning tasks should be carried out daily or at least several times a week. These include, among others:

  • Vacuuming or mopping smooth floors
  • Vacuuming carpets and, if necessary, removing stains
  • Wiping down desks and other tables
  • Cleaning and disinfecting high-touch surfaces (light switches, door handles, etc.)
  • Dusting cupboards, shelves and window sills
  • Cleaning and sorting dishes in kitchens and staff rooms
  • Wiping work surfaces and counters with a damp cloth
  • Thoroughly cleaning and disinfecting toilets, urinals and sinks in washrooms
  • Wiping sanitary surfaces with a damp cloth
  • Cleaning fixtures
  • Changing towels
  • Refilling hygienic products such as toilet paper
  • Emptying trash cans

Weekly cleaning checklist

Rooms and furniture that are rarely used do not need to be cleaned every day; a weekly cycle is generally sufficient. These include, for example:

  • Cleaning upholstered furniture
  • Vacuuming carpets in rarely used areas
  • Deep-cleaning of sensitive surfaces – e.g. shower cubicles – in washrooms
  • Cleaning glass surfaces

Monthly cleaning checklist

Additional cleaning is scheduled regularly, but not as frequently as the tasks already mentioned. These include, for example:

  • Cleaning kitchen appliances, including cleaning the interior of refrigerators, microwaves and stoves
  • Cleaning skylights and similar glass surfaces
  • Cleaning lamps

Seasonal cleaning checklist

Some cleaning measures are seasonal, as they are only needed with the changing of seasons - e.g. at the beginning of spring. These include, among others:

  • Window cleaning throughout the building
  • Cleaning – and, if necessary, replacing – floor mats

Quality assurance of building cleaning

For the cleaning industry, cleanliness is of course top priority. Therefore, check regularly whether your cleaning staff is meeting the highest hygiene standards - for example, by using our template for quality and/or cleanliness control.

How do you check if everything has been done?

Cleaning lists

Checklists are suitable for checking maintenance cleaning, in which the tasks to be carried out are listed – with the deadline and a field for entering the date when completed – and are assigned to cleaning specialists. The lists are then posted, for example in washrooms, so that staff can check off the tasks after they have been completed.

Comprehensive quality control

During a cleaning inspection, you can check, for example, whether staff is wearing appropriate work clothing and the respective rooms are clean, presentable and hygienic. The overall aim is to check the following:

  • The organization, training and leadership of cleaning specialists
  • The use of appropriate work clothing and protective equipment
  • The proper handling and storage of work equipment and equipment
  • The enforcement of regulations by the respective team leaders

Tip: Conduct inspections unannounced to get a realistic picture of the situation. If you notice any deficiencies, discuss them with your team in order to achieve long-term improvement.

Please use our template to check the cleaning work carried out.

Support for your team

Support your team so they can work efficiently. Make sure that your employees are trained to carry out cleaning tasks and provide regular training. Among other things, the staff should be encouraged to always use the appropriate cleaning techniques and methods – such as the  Sinner's Circle  – . Also ensure that the appropriate cleaning products and work tools are always available to achieve the best possible results.


Well-planned and carefully carried out maintenance cleaning has the following positive effects:

  • Visitors and customers get a good first impression of the company.
  • Employees feel more comfortable in their office environment.
  • The risk of workforce absences due to infectious diseases is reduced.

Office furniture and other inventory are well maintained and are in good condition.

You are welcome to download and print our building cleaning checklist template.